Havuz Güvertesi / Pool Deck

One of the most important swimming pool features is not actually in the pool, but around it. The appearance of the pool deck can have a big impact on your enjoyment of the pool. Nothing is more disappointing than seeing your beautiful, sparkling pool surrounded by a disruptive deck. That’s why it’s important to waterproof and protect your pool deck surface.

Wooden Pool Deck

Ahşap havuz güvertesi One of the best ways to protect a wood floor is to apply a penetrating stain. Not only will this prevent chemically treated pool water from damaging the surface, it will also prevent water from being absorbed into the wood and causing internal damage.

Wood sealants tend to have a clear formula in a wide variety of hues, as well as translucent and opaque paint-like versions. The more smudge or opacity a color has, the more protection it provides.

Before staining your deck, clean it with a power washer and/or a commercial deck cleaning solution and a brush. You want to remove not only visible dirt and residues, but also molds that may have formed. After thoroughly cleaning every surface you can see or reach, let the upholstery dry completely. This may take several days.

Cover your pool and be careful not to let any of the stain run off. After applying the sealant, let it dry. Then examine the deck and retouch the missed spots. Next time you have water on the deck, look for areas where moisture isn’t beading as this indicates the need for more sealant.

Concrete Pool Deck

Beton havuz güvertesi

Although we all want to believe that concrete is impermeable to moisture, experience tells us otherwise. Chemically treated pool water can be particularly damaging to concrete.

Applying a sealer to a concrete base not only keeps it from chipping, it also prevents it from fading and helps remove stains. Like wood sealants, concrete versions can be clear or tinted. They can also have anywhere from gloss to gloss. The sealants have a non-slip formula that is a smart choice for the pool deck. Concrete sealants can also help prevent freeze/thaw damage in cold climates. The concrete sealant application process is the same as for wood sealant. Thoroughly clean the base of dirt, grime and mold or mildew. Wait for it to dry completely.

Cover the pool to keep the sealant out of the water. Apply the stain according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Remember that new concrete must be fully cured before staining. It can be 28 days after pouring.

General tips

The chemicals used to keep your pool water clean and free of bacteria may begin to degrade the surface of your pool over time. As a result, you have to use a hose on the deck every few days. You should also periodically use a mild detergent or specially formulated deck cleaner to remove chemical deposits. Sand and dirt can also damage your pool deck

Vacuuming the deck daily prevents these abrasive materials from flooding the surface and causing damage, preventing leaves and other debris from accumulating. An investment in pleasure The time it takes to regularly clean and periodically waterproof the pool is time well spent. Not only will you have a beautiful deck today, you will be able to enjoy it for many years to come.